Casual Apocalypse

Not with a bang but with a whimper, right?  The earth is going to be just fine, but it’s becoming more and more questionable if humankind will survive the next big extinction event.  It’s unclear just how much our world will change, but it’s changed quite a bit already and so far the causes of climate change are getting worse, not better.  But hey, we gotta keep on keeping on!  There probably isn’t anything that is going to get us out of this mess.  And let’s be honest, who has the energy?  So instead of a high strung bunker style apocalypse, let’s aim for something a little more casual.  We’ll do things that are fun and make you feel like you’re helping, even if you aren’t.  So let’s all take a deep breath, see the beauty on this earth while it still exists, teach our children what they’ll need to know for best and worst case scenarios, live intentionally so as to not make matters worse, and gather the materials and skills that might make our last days more pleasant.  Come on, burn with me!


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